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电话: 0532-81793795
姓名: Monica Tang
Qingdao Max Tire Co.,Ltd.

  Qingdao Max Tire Co.,Ltd. Located in Qingdao, China, which devoted in the field of rubber process, tire research, development and manufacturing. Our tire is popular in more than 80 countries/areas in America, Europe, Middle East Africa and South-East Asia. Max Tire has a complete bias and radial tire series, including r tires, traileagricultural tires, industrial tires, OTR tires, solid tires, TBR tires and PCR *域名隐藏* our product are certificated by DOT,GCC,ECE,ISO,CCC etc. Ocsen has always adhering to business philosophy of “Customer first, Market-Oriented, Win-win cooperation”. Taking product quality as the core, focusing on brand building. In favor of our customer with High-tech, H...

主要产品/业务: Agricultural tires, Industrial Tires, OTR Tires, Trailer Tires, Solid Tires, PCR Tires, TBR Tires.

Qingdao Max Tire Co.,Ltd. / 山东 / Qianlou Industrial Park, Pingdu, Qingdao (266724 ) / 电话:0532-81793795

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